With summer vacation here for many around the country, here are ten great tips to keep in mind if you want to take a hike with children.

1. Choose hikes with a specific destination such as a lake, a spectacular view, or a waterfall. Start small children on short, easy trails at first; gradually increase difficulty as their muscles and ambition grow.

2. Keep hiking speed and distance within physical as well as fun limits. A good way to judge the pace of a child is to take turns letting them assume the lead. Maintain their pace when you are in the lead.

3. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Stop frequently to observe nature and the little things that a child Replaces fascinating. They may even discover things you have missed before.

4. Make your child's feet a priority. Sturdy boots that fit properly will allow a child to focus on the fun and adventure of a hike. At the first sign of redness or blistering feet, apply moleskin.

5. Take only pictures; leave only footprints. Teach respect of the outdoors. Set an example by carrying out trash and following park or forest regulations.

6. Take plenty of food your child likes to eat. Familiar foods will be more appetizing to a child than traditional hiking fare and even the pickiest eaters seem to have a larger appetite in the outdoors.

7. Have each child carry a small backpack or fanny pack. The pack should contain water, a survival whistle, flashlight or lightstick, a brightly colored poncho, emergency blanket, extra socks, extra food, and a small first aid kit. Depending on the age and ability of your child the items may vary. Teach your child how to use these items in case they are lost.

8. Take frequent rest breaks and drink plenty of water. When exercising, children lose water faster than adults and are not likely to notice the affects.

9. Pack extra clothing and be prepared for rain even if there isn't a cloud in the sky.

10. Have fun! An enjoyable experience will increase the chances that your child will want to venture out again and again.



Double Glazing

Double Glazing

I love recreational activities along with my kids. These times are priceless when you see them in the future in a photo album.



We live in the Ozarks, not far from the Buffalo National River, and hiking trails are bountiful here. Thank you so much for this article – got a few ideas for hiking with our 2 year old daughter. :)



Very reliable tips. Thank you anyway!
It is not safe to go hiking with your little ones but because of this tips they will ease those doubts.



Excellent tips! Especially having the same 'emergency' items that adults should have. Never know when the weather will change suddently and the hike becomes an overnight camping trip!



Great post ! I would might add to the kids backpack a small notepad and pen if they are old enough to write so they can record thoughts or drawings of their trip and maybe a disposable camera so they can take pictures of things they find interesting from their perspective.



This is truly interesting. I can barely remember the last time I have done some hiking with my family.

plumbing supplies

plumbing supplies

I remember when me and my father used to hike…
I loved those days so much!

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