Too many people make the mistake of thinking that emergencies only happen to "other folks". Beyond the subject of disasters, being prepared should be a part of your normal provident living. Pictured: Provident living. Not as difficult as you think. Don't become overwhelmed. Start with small goals and work consistently. Here are a few ideas to help you get started with your preparedness plan.
  • Establish a modest preparedness budget. Make it a priority and work at it the best you can. Start with a few items, such as a emergency kit, emergency candles, a sleeping bag, and a first aid kit. Then budget enough money monthly to keep adding to your stores of emergency supplies working toward being prepared truly brings peace of mind.
  • Get your information from reliable sources. Most sensible programs will coincide with other reputable sources such as books, community preparation and church or government programs. Don't let anyone scare you into thinking that it has to be done all at once or that you must incur heavy debt to achieve your goals.
  • That which would be required to sustain life for three days can be easily multiplied for planning long-term storage needs.
  • Be consistent. Within a short time you will have the necessary supplies and equipment to take care of yourself, family members and others.
  • Think investment, not expense! Think practically when it comes to assembling a food storage program. Buy the basics and learn to use them. Buy foods that you can rotate and eat regularly instead of storing foods that are unknown to you and that you have never eaten. Buy emergency materials that can be used for other activities such as Scouting events, camping adventures and family road trips. Take care of what you purchase and learn not to waste. The point is, do something and do not procrastinate.
Whether or not we choose to believe that life is dynamic, changes and challenges will come to each of us. How we prepare today can help ensure that we experience a soft landing. Start with a simple plan and use wisdom as you implement that plan.




Growing up we had to have food storage during winter because of where we lived. Over the years, living in town I have gotten away from that mindset. Since I retired I have started my food storage again and am proud to say my food closet is getting full thanks to the wonderful people at Emergency Essentials. I tried another company and had nothing but TROUBLE, so KUDOS to the wonderful people at EE.



Prepping as an investment is sound advice. That's how I've choosen to look at what I do, especially with my food storage. When I find canned foods (or whatever food) that we eat on sale then I choose to stock up knowing that we'll use it eventually. Now my pantry is beginning to look more like a grocery store… one that I can be proud of.



I'm just getting started becoming prepared….



Good common sense advice in this article. Emergency Essentials is my favorite vendor for all types of products!!

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