If you live in California, don’t expect any help from the government when the floods come this winter. El Niño is bringing heavy rain to California, which could make it one of the wettest winters on record. Bob Fenton, FEMA’s Southwestern district administrator, is telling everyone to prepare, and warns not to hold high hopes on others. “This is not a government solution,” he said, “but a public-private, all-hands-on-deck solution.” Prepare for El NiñoIn other words, residents need to take things seriously by having a plan and supplies. If this El Niño is as strong as predicted, California, Arizona, Nevada, and other areas will be getting buckets full of rain. Coastal areas will have to deal with higher tides than usual, and, combined with strong winds and pounding rain, there is huge potential for flooding. Now, in the very first sentence I said not to expect help from the government or other federal, local, and state agencies. While you shouldn’t expect help, those groups are still working tirelessly to be ready to respond to the disasters that will inevitably come during this El Niño. That being said, there are a lot more people than the government can possibly help, and so there is a good chance that even if the government does come to the aid of its people, you might be days or weeks down the line until they get to you. Hence being prepared. If you can take care of yourself during a disaster and the days following, you won’t have to hold out in hope, waiting for someone to come to your rescue. You’re the captain of your own ship, so it’s time to batten down the hatches and get everything ready, because there’s a storm a-coming! If you’re wondering how on earth you can get prepared for this inevitable flooding, take heart! The LA Times has given us 28 things to do to prepare. Here are just a few:
  1. Fix Leaks and Clean Out Gutters
Just like a castle or other stronghold, any weakness or hole can be exploited by an attacking army. Your home is your kingdom, your very castle, so make sure you take proper care to make a path for the rain and water to travel away from your home. The best offense, as they say, is a good defense. If you can keep the water out of your home, you’ll be well ahead of the game.
  1. Install a Sump Pump
If invading water does somehow manage to infiltrate your home, having a sump pump or some other way of removing the water will be very valuable. Consider a pump the inside wall, or a second line of defense. Sure, water may have gotten inside, but you’re pumping it back out as fast as it can come! Of course, if water does come in to your home, it will be a sad day indeed. But if you don’t have a way to take care of it once it’s inside, things could get even worse.
  1. Prepare for El NiñoNew Tires
Check the tires on your car, truck, minivan, or whatever it is you drive around in. If your tread has worn down past 50%, you have a much greater chance of hydroplaning and otherwise losing contact with the road in wet conditions.
  1. Window Wipers
Prepare for El NiñoLet’s face it, without good window wipers, you’re essentially driving blind in a rainstorm. It’s happened to me (I am ashamed…), and I can assure you that a storm is not the time to realize you need them replaced. Check them out now.
  1. Automatic Watering System
Turn it off. You probably won’t need it until spring.
  1. Divert Water
Use sandbags, concrete edgers, or anything else you can get your hands on to divert the flow of water away from your home. Remember, the best way to defend your home from dangerous water is to keep it as far away as possible.
  1. Flood Insurance
Even if you’re not in a high-risk area, strongly consider getting flood insurance. According to the LA Times, “twenty percent of people who file claims come from non-high-risk areas.” Which means if you are in a high-risk area, flood insurance is even more important! And remember, it takes 30 days for your flood insurance policy to come into effect.
  1. Prepare Now
This is the most important step. If you wait until the rains are falling and the floods are rising before trying to fix problems, you’ll be over your head in troubles. So go on out there, take a look around your home, and get everything in order. The rains are coming and time is running short. For even more steps in preparing for El Niño, check out the article by LA Times. What are some more tips you have to prepare for El Niño? Prepare for El Niño
CaliforniaEl ninoEl niño 2015FloodWinter prep

1 comment

delia storrs

delia storrs

excellent info on flooding. im in texas and it may flood here. thank you and keep up the good info.

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