Cooking Off Grid

Have you ever considered how much of our lives are spent in the kitchen? For many, these are delightful hours spent in creative bliss. For others, it’s get in, get out, and move on to other less tiresome activities. Either way, preparing food is an essential part of daily life, and an activity that can be greatly disrupted in an emergency.
During a natural disaster or home emergency, you might not be able to stay put. Even if you can reach your kitchen, your power or gas might be out, rendering appliances worthless. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have ready an alternative method for cooking, so you'll be prepared when it comes to cooking off grid.
One option is the Cube Stove. The Cube Stove is a lightweight, stainless steel frame in which you light fuel disks while setting cookware on top. Selling for under $40, the Cube Stove is lightweight, folds easily, and is something you can take with you anywhere you go. It’s a great option not just for emergencies, but also for taking out with you camping, fishing, or hunting.
Other alternative cooking options are Solar Ovens. For Between $115 and $350 you can harness the power of the sun, cooking without any other fuel source! Of course, daylight is an essential, yet unpredictable part of solar oven cooking success. But when it’s shining, these solar ovens get hot enough to bake a loaf of bread or roast a chicken, even on cold December days.
Do you have alternative cooking options in your arsenal? As a member of the Prep As You Go program, we’ve arranged special deals for you, offering both the Cube Stove and the Sport Solar Oven at the best prices ever.
Also, during the month of June, we are encouraging everyone to go out and practice their prep. Practicing your preparedness is a great way to Replace out just how ready you actually are.
Why not take your portable Cube Oven or your Sport Solar Oven outside and cook up some of your emergency food storage?
Now is a great time to get your alternative food prep plan in place, then have fun practicing how you will get coking in an emergency.

1 comment
Greg Hall
Portable or free-standing Kerosene stoves cook just like a gas stove. You can use either new or “vintage”. A gallon of fuel will cook all your meals for a week. Kerosene stores forever (out of the sun) and can’t explode. The stove can also heat your Kitchen.