I just finished reading a couple of articles about the possible "record breaking" storm that is hitting Washington, D.C. and surrounding areas today and tomorrow. They are forecasting 30 inches or more of wet, heavy snowfall accompanied by heavy winds through Saturday.
Reports say that people have been scrambling for food and supplies, but many have found they are too late. In contrast to these scenarios, here is a guest blog post from one of our giveaway "winners" about a family that was prepared before the disaster hit.
Andrea in Ohio writes:
Day-to-Day Preparedness
So often, in our preparedness strategies, we get wrapped up in preparing for the worst: social collapse, environmental disasters, and crop failure or food shortages. And while the worst may eventually happen, we often forget that being prepared comes in handy in dealing with the day-to-day emergency as well. Everyday, someone loses a job. Everyday, someone loses power during a storm. Everyday, someone is stranded by impassable roads. And everyday, someone weathers life's storms due to their forethought and preparedness.

3-Day Emergency Kit
We began our preparedness journey 2 years ago. In early 2008, we began to prepare for the worst by stocking up on food, oil lamps and lanterns, warm blankets, bottled water and other emergency supplies such as back-up heat and a weather radio. Personally, I'd never have guessed how many times those supplies would come in handy:
• In September of 2008, the remains of Hurricane Ike ripped through the Ohio Valley, leaving us without electricity, gas, or phone for 5+ days. Many were blindsided and had to make emergency trips to the local Big Box store for supplies; but without power, even the Big Box stores were closed. We survived at home, relying on our stored water, oil lamps, stored food and weather radio.
• In August of 2009, lightning destroyed our well and we were without clean drinking water for nearly 2 weeks. Again, the stored water and water filtration unit were lifesavers.
• In January of 2010, a car slid off the road during an ice storm, striking a utility pole and knocking out power to our road for most of the day. Our back-up heat kept the house warm on that blustery 25 degree day, while also allowing us to do a little cooking.
Mr. Heater Big Buddy

We continue to prepare, not only for the worst, but for the day-to-day. Our simple preparedness plan has proven itself to be useful several times in the past 2 years and most likely, again in the future. If you haven't begun to prepare, today is the day, as you just never know what tomorrow will bring.
Best wishes,
Andrea in Ohio
1 comment
Red Icculus
The backpack starter kit is great. I would actually love to review it on my website.
Our method for preparedness is a few cases of bottled water that we rotate every 6 months, a cellar full of canned goods rotated yearly, and a few cases of ammo for handguns, rifle, and shotgun, rotated whenever I go to the range. I would love too see an "all-in-one" kit for a preparedness situation for a set amount of time that I could get my hands on and review.