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Food That Doesn't Spoil

I am a young married woman, and strange as this sounds, I've always been on the lookout for food that doesn't spoil. In college, the dorm-room fridge could hardly hold our soda, much less any quantity of food. From the time I had my first apartment, I realized I was not going to go through all the milk before it went bad, much less that giant bag of potatoes, quietly sprouting away in a dark corner of my pantry.

Cooking for two, not much has changed, except my success rate! Now I buy my milk and eggs in powdered form, my ground beef and TVP in freeze-dried #10 cans, and even sock away some dried cheese and butter for when I don't have any in the fridge. I can whomp up dinner in 15-20 minutes with my (slightly unusual) stock of ingredients. And now when I go to the grocery store it's because I FEEL like it, not because "oh no, I'm out of eggs". Lately, I've been going grocery shopping about every two weeks, just to pick up a few special ingredients, and my fridge has all the room it needs to hold the soda :)

--Amanda, Maryland

Click here for additional information about the shelf life of dehydrated and freeze-dried foods.





I use your freeze dried foods all the time. We live at least one hour from any grocery store so I make sure I have most all I need onhand all the time. When we do get to town I can get some items I need like fresh salad items. Letuce etc. MMB



This is the exact reason why I started buying freeze-dried vegetables from Emergency Essentials. My husband and I both work, and for me it can be up to 60 hours a week! I never want to cook and our fresh vegetables get moldy. I'm actually saving time and money because I don't have to chop the veggies, and they don't end up in the trash. Thank you so much! I can find time to cook again!



I especially like the dried mushrooms because fresh ones spoil so quickly and by having a glass container of some dried handy I can throw a handful into many things I'm preparing. I started with freeze dried primarily as long-term "insurance" food storage, but now find many items just more practical than fresh for our lifestyle.



oH MY gosh!!!! I am a new customer and I absolutely love all the foods I have tried so far! They are so quick and easy to prepare. I only wish I had know about this when I was a brand new mom. It would have saved me lots of kitchen time. Emergency Essentials you are awesome!!!

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