This blog post is one in a series leading up to the Great Utah ShakeOut.Click here for more information or here to register for the ShakeOut.


Tomorrow's the day, folks! People all over Utah will be joining in the state's first state-wide earthquake drill! Let's talk about what to do during the quake.

Because there’s no way of knowing exactly when an earthquake will strike, you should be prepared to protect yourself and respond to the crisis no matter where you are. We’ve talked about what to do in a basic setting at home, but what if you’re away from home, or you’re outside? Let’s look at a few different scenarios.

At home: Sleeping

If you’re sleeping when an earthquake hits, hold on to the bed and stay where you are. If you have any artwork or décor hanging near your bed that could fall on you, protect your head and neck with a pillow. Hopefully you’ve taken our previous posts to heart and fastened all artwork or loose items securely so they won’t fall during a quake. After the shaking stops, grab your shoes (they’re by your bed now, right?) and follow your earthquake emergency plan.

At home: Cooking

Remove items from burners at the first hint of shaking, and turn off any burners and the oven—especially if you have a gas range. If you are standing near overhead cabinets or the refrigerator, move as far away as you can. Drop, cover your head and neck with your hands and arms, and wait until the shaking stops. If possible, grab something to protect your head better (even a baking sheet or a sturdy frying pan), since it’s likely that glass dishes, heavy canned food items, knives, or other dangerous items could fall and cause serious injuries.

At home: On a ladder

If you Replace yourself in this situation, get to the floor as quickly as possible. Drop, cover, and hold—and get away from the ladder if you can, since it’s essentially guaranteed to fall over. It may feel silly to do this, but it’s not a bad idea to pull a cushion off the couch or pile a couple of pillows and blankets next to you whenever you get on a ladder—giving yourself some cushion should you need to jump to the ground.

At home/Away: In a high-rise building

Working and living in a high-rise building typically means you’ll need to be prepared to protect yourself from lots of breaking glass, and it always means you’ll need to get yourself to the main floor of the building without an elevator. If you live in the building, make a personal escape plan and remain calm, as many others will be exiting the building via the stairwells as the same time. Your employer should have a plan prepared if you work in a high-rise, so be sure you know the plan. In either case, be prepared and willing to help those who may have difficulty navigating the stairways, such as the elderly or those with limited mobility.

Away: At School

If you are at school when an earthquake hits, your teacher will know what to do—first Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Then follow your instructor’s directions for evacuating the building, waiting for a head count, and contacting your family.

Parents, if your kids are at school during a quake, get to the school as quickly as you can, since typically schools won’t release the kids after an emergency unless the parent or an authorized guardian is there to pick them up.

Away: At Work

You should know your employer’s earthquake preparedness plan and understand the plans of your family members’ offices as well—knowing the plans makes getting in contact much easier.

If you work in a building with lots of windows, plan ahead to know where you can Drop, Cover, and Hold On for the best protection from breaking glass. You will also need protection from falling lights, computer monitors and printers, or other special equipment that may be a part of your work environment. Typically your desk or a table in a conference room will provide good protection, but consider other potential scenarios as well.

Away: At an event (concert, arena, sporting event)

If you are in a theater, arena, or at another similar venue, Drop, Cover your head and neck with your hands, and do your best to hold on to your bench or seat. When the shaking stops, don’t panic and run for the exit—remain calm and slowly make your way to an exit. Be sure you are aware of any hazards that may fall from above or be on the ground—and please be courteous to those around you. Pushing others to make your way out will only cause additional injuries and chaos.

Outside: Near tall buildings

The windows and non-structural elements of a building (facades, decorative details) are the first to fall during an earthquake. If you are near a tall building, get as far away as you can when the shaking starts, and don’t approach until you know there is no longer danger of additional items falling. Get to an open space or inside a safe building.

Outside: Below a dam

Total failure of a dam is not likely in an earthquake, but if you live or spend time in parks or on hiking trails below a dam, you should know the flood-zone information and have a plan for evacuating the area and getting to safety should the dam be compromised or totally collapse. Know the signal that will be given so you can recognize the sound and act accordingly.

Outside: Driving

If you’re in your car during an earthquake, stay there until the shaking stops—a car’s shocks will actually absorb a lot of the shaking and keep you fairly safe from falling items. Be sure to stop carefully if you’re en route, as you don’t want to cause an accident by swerving or stopping suddenly. Don’t stop on a bridge or overpass on a freeway if at all possible. If debris or other items fall on your car, carefully open the door when you exit, to be sure nothing will slide off the roof of your car onto you.

NOTE: If a power line has fallen on your car, DO NOT exit your vehicle. Wait until a trained professional can come to clear up the situation so you can safely get out.

We could obviously spend all day talking about this and still not cover every potential scenario. So think about the places where you spend the most time and make a specific plan for each location. The more prepared you are, and the more you consider specific circumstances, the better prepared you’ll be—even if you end up in a situation you haven’t planned for.

How about it, readers? Where do you spend your time? Do you have a plan for that location?

And to our friends who’ve been in an earthquake? Where were you, and were you ready to protect yourself?

We want to hear all about it in the comments.






I had a friend who was LDS when I was in 3rd grade. I thought the food storage was 2 years, too, but that was a long time ago. Raised a Southern Baptist, & told the Morman's belief in a false prophet was WRONG! Well, I haven't been to church in years because I just don't like organized religion, but all the survivalists are telling us to do the same thing, so, what is false about that prophesy? No, I don't want any contact with the LDS, I just wanted to make a point.

Amy Everdean

Amy Everdean

Can i just say i totally love this site! I learned so much about what to do in an earthquake. I never even thought about what to do with my cabinets in the event of an earthquake. We always think it won't happen to us here in Utah, but one day it will and we need to be prepared!!



Until last summer's East Coast quake, I hadn't put much thought into earthquake preparedness since we moved from the west coast. It was never a conscious thought, but that feeling of leaving them behind was definitely there. By the time I realized what was happening in that quake, it was almost over. If it had been a serious quake, that lack of preparedness could have had serious consequences. I'm glad we got a warning to remind us that we're vulnerable wherever we are!



I've found that they don't generally phase me unless they are really large – and inconvenient. A little shaking is no big deal. Losing your gas or electric for a week is a big deal and it's good to be prepared



One thing I learned from growing up in California is to install "child proof" locks on all your cabinets and drawers. This can help keep them shut during an earthquake. Just be sure to exercise caution after a quake when you open them.

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