Super Bowl XLVII is just around the corner. Here’s a list of 47 ways that we think prepping relates to the Super Bowl. (Be sure to click on the links.)

- Nawlins is ready, are you?
- Prepping, like Super Bowl 47, is a family affair.
- Modify one of these checklists to prep for your Super Bowl Party.
- Check the weather report.
- Check the hurricane status.
- Make sure you don’t run out of meat on game day.
- How to watch the game if the electricity goes out.
- Have back up tuned and ready to go.
- Cook up a mean Shrimp Jambalaya.
- Or Creole Corn Casserole.
- Superpails for the Super Bowl.
- Stay warm during the tailgate parties.
- Paracord for your own Harbaugh “Do Not Cross” line.
- To complete your outfit as Sourdough Sam click here and here.
- Make some noise for your team.
- Blind the guys cheering for the other team.
- For just about everything. Including opening cans and bottles.
- To get into the mood: New Orleans Flavored Rice with Shrimp and Ham.
- If you run out of your famous Tuna Casserole click here.
- Cause you’ll want flavor.
- So he’ll never have to leave the TV.
- Happy toes, happy Super Bowl.
- So that you can pretend you’re in the stadium. Even though it’s a superdome.
- To help you feel like a real 49er.
- Mountain House Chili Mac. ‘Nuff said.
- If you run out while making your Super Killer Double-Decker Bowl Brownies.
- Black Bean Brownies. Sounds weird but he’ll eat anything today.
- If your Poe costume needs wings.
- Because people will be thirsty.
- Because people will be really thirsty.
- Easiest Bowl food ever.
- Know what to do if the levees break.
- When you root for your team are you more this or this?
- In case a fight breaks out.
- ‘Cause the hospital will be busy.
- For marking your house as the Ravensdome.
- For those rooting for the 49ers.
- For the day after.
- When your trash talk gets you burned.
- Just in case a rival “accidentally” drops yours in the toilet.
- For when you lose that bet and they make you drink something weird.
- It ain’t over till the Spicy Refried Bean Dip is gone.
- Spouse cheering for the other team = you sleeping on couch? Have this on hand.
- Because you never know who’s going to lose it.
- Cause it bites and stings when your team loses.
- For when your spouse passes out from joy. Or agony.
- Parting gift for the losing team’s wounded hearts.