When isn’t there a warning of some imminent natural disaster? It seems like some sort of devastation or disaster is scheduled each month, ready to knock us off our feet. Knowing when each disaster is more likely to strike can help us be better prepared, and with better preparedness comes greater safety.
The following is a list of natural disasters the United States can expect on a yearly basis, along with applicable dates in which they are “scheduled.”
Tornado Season: March – July
tornado season differs for various regions. For example, the Southern States are in peak tornado season from March to May, whereas the Northern Plains and Midwest experience their tornado season around June and July. Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that tornadoes can occur during any time and any month.
To learn more about tornadoes,
click here.
Hurricane Season: June – November
Half the year is taken up with the Atlantic hurricane season, beginning June 1 and continuing through November 30,
according to NOAA. Just like any of these scheduled disasters, some
may arrive earlier than June or even after hurricane season has long since ended.
To learn more about hurricanes,
click here.
Fire Season: October – January
![Fire Approaching House (NY Times) disaster season fire season](/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Fire-Approaching-House-NY-Times-300x171.jpg)
Fire season is a fickle thing. It depends on outside factors, such as recent precipitation and heat. But,
October is generally the start of fire season and, depending on which part of the country you reside, could last through January.
California, while still following these same guidelines, tends to be in the danger zone year round. “Where there’s drought, there’s fire,”
says Slate. California has been in a state of drought for many years, making fires a likely threat.
Earthquake Season: January – December
![Christchurch, New Zealand - March 12, 2011 disaster season earthquake season](/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Earthquake-Home-Christchurch-NZ-300x199.jpg)
If you thought you had at least February off from any imminent disaster, this will come as bad news. Earthquakes happen every month of the year, in every state, and can happen at any time of the day or night. As of yet, earthquakes are unable to be predicted.
There is no day or month that is immune from natural disasters. Because of this, being constantly prepared is vital. Sure, some natural disasters can be better predicted during certain seasons, making it easier to prepare, but remember, these disaster seasons aren’t always followed exactly. Hurricanes can come before or after hurricane season, tornadoes can form outside of tornado season, and fires can certainly happen year round. Also, there are other disasters, such as earthquakes, that simply can’t be predicted. Combined with blizzards and severe thunderstorms, there’s a full year of scheduled disasters waiting to strike.
Fortunately, getting the basics can be quick and easy. Make sure you have what you need before disaster strikes. Prepare today for tomorrow’s emergencies.
1 comment
Prediksi Bola dan Togel Paling Jitu
Awesome article, strike to the point, thanks for sharing