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Here are some insights on water after a natural disaster from Lisa in Florida:
Water and Hurricane Ivan

Before this experience I could never have imagined turning a faucet on and nothing coming out. I had always stored a few gallons of water because my grandma always said you should store water. It was one of those things I did because I learned it growing up. I did not do it because I understood how easily the water supply could be shut off and how important water is! It never occurred to me that I could need it for anything other than my car radiator! A neighbor told me to fill up my bathtub before the storm hit. This was another case where I really could not imagine needing it, but I went ahead and did to follow my neighbor's advice.
After the hurricane there was no running water. I still remember my shock turning on the faucet and having nothing come out. I tried it again and still nothing. The bathtub full of water meant we could flush the toilet. Families that did not fill up their tub had no way to flush their toilets unless they used their bottled drinking water.

If you turn on a faucet and nothing comes out, make sure you turn it back to off. I was at work when the water came back on. My apartment had water all over it again when we came home!
The lesson here is to store not only drinking water in small bottles but large quantities of water with ways to purify it. Also store disposable plates, cups, utensils and hygiene items. I think the sanitation kit with the toilet seat and bucket would be great to have. Besides the issue of running water, a bathroom can be damaged like any other room.

You may need water to clean with too. Disasters are messy and everything may be wet and in need of being cleaned with bleach water. In this area the moisture + heat = mold and the only remedy is to clean with a combination of bleach and water.
Lisa, Florida
Thank you for sharing your story. We have just begun getting serious about emergency preparedness. We've always been prepared for occasional electricity outages but now realize the importance of being prepared for worse. My list didn't included paper products or hygiene items until now. Thanks for pointing out the importance.
Rain barrels are now regaining popularity. I recently saw a couple varieties offered at a local home supply store that found in most communities. I purchased one and this should give me an additional source when it's needed.
Term Papers
yeah great information… thanks for sharing it dear..