Hurricane Preparedness
5 Hurricane Hints
Hurricanes – those destructive vortexes that attack our coasts – are at least gracious enough to give us at least a little warning before they arrive. While it’s always nice to be forewarned, being prepared before a hurricane shows up on the radar will help you be as safe and comfortable as possible when the storm finally does arrive. Spin the wheel to learn more about the different areas of hurricane preparedness!
Use Your Resources
While we may be aware of an approaching hurricane, it can still be difficult to pinpoint its exact path as it approaches the mainland. Fortunately, the National Weather Service sends out alerts and notifications as a hurricane progresses.
Follow the approach of the hurricane on TV, online, or on your battery-powered emergency weather radio. These emergency radios are ideal during severe weather since they will still operate even if the power’s out. As the storm gets closer, the knowledge you gather from your resources will help you know if and when you should evacuate, as well as other information as to how to act.
Make A Plan
Planning makes perfect. By creating an emergency plan well before any hint of a hurricane is discovered, you will have time to go over it plenty of times before one actually arrives. This way, your chances of remembering that crucial information won’t slip your mind when things start to get hectic; you’ll always know what needs to be done.
Likewise, your plan will also help you get started and continue preparing. Take a look at what you need: water, food, alternate power, items to provide warmth, and other things as your situation dictates. Write down what you have so you can refer back to it, ensuring you don’t forget anything important. If you have pets, make sure you have a place for them while you weather out the storm in a shelter. Many hurricane shelters do not allow animals, so knowing what you’ll do with your pets ahead of time will make your life – and your pet’s – that much easier.
Get Prepared
Now that you have a plan, it’s time to start following it. Store water, food, and gear so when a hurricane does come, you’ll have everything you need close by. Collect emergency contact numbers, know your evacuation routes, and keep up-to-date on your preparations.
Also important is preparing your home to deal with the buffeting winds of hurricanes. To do so, flood insurance is a good place to start. You may also consider keeping your gutters clear, trimming your bushes, trees, and shrubs, as well as having the proper equipment to properly secure property in and around your home, such as ropes and bungee cords.
Take Action
Once the first sign of a hurricane shows up, it’s time to take action. Gather your gear and other emergency preparations you’ve collected. As the storm comes closer, board up your windows, strap down your property, and take care of any other last minute preparations.
Stay tuned to your emergency radio or local TV news network. If you are told to evacuate, do so immediately. This is where knowing your evacuation routes comes into play. And remember, if you have pets, don’t leave them at home! Take them with you.
Hurricanes are powerful and can leave you, your home, and your neighborhood in a big mess. Take a step back and examine yourself and your family members. Patch up any scrapes, cuts, or other injuries with your first aid kit. Only go into your home once it is deemed safe to do so by authorities, as downed power lines, gas leaks, and other hazards could pose a threat to your safety.
It’s possible that you will have some extra work to do following a hurricane. If you do, don’t try and do too much at once. Pace yourself, get adequate rest, and drink plenty of clean water. When working with debris, wear gloves and boots, and make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and often. Recovery will take time, but by preparing ahead of time, you can alleviate many post-hurricane problems.