Looking for a unique DIY present? Why not give the gift of soft, sweet-smelling laundry all year long . . . (and no, we unfortunately don’t sell a laundry-scented 100-hour candle . . .)
Last summer, we wrote a post about how to make
DIY Laundry Detergent, so we decided that we needed to make something for your dryer, too. DIY Felted Wool Dryer Balls are a great present to give to your family, friends, and neighbors. I think they’re meaningful gifts and something that is useful to everyone.

The benefits of DIY Felted Wool Dryer Balls
- They reduce your drying time
- They are free of chemicals often found in store bought dryer sheets
- They reduce allergic reactions because they don’t include fragrances or chemicals
- They fluff your laundry and reduce static cling
- They are inexpensive to make (It only cost me $5.49 for the yarn. I already had the other supplies around my house)
What You’ll Need
- 100% Wool Yarn (not labeled ‘superwash’ or ‘machine washable’)—I found my wool yarn at Hobby Lobby. The brand was called “I Love this Wool.” Check your local craft store’s website for 100% wool yarn before making a trip there.
- Scissors
- A pair of old pantyhose
- A blunt-tipped needle or crochet hook (a pen cap or tooth pick would work as well)
- A little string or acrylic yarn (optional)
- Essential Oil (optional)
How You Make it
- Wrap a strand of wool yarn around the index and middle fingers of your non-dominant hand about 20 times. Pinch the wrapped yarn in the middle and pull it off your fingers. Wrap 4 or 5 loops of yarn around the center of this bundle to hold it securely. Using the bundle as the center of your ball, continue wrapping yarn around it in different directions, turning to achieve a fairly-tight ball shape. Continue until the ball is at least the size of a tennis ball.
- Use a blunt-tipped needle or crochet hook to tuck the end of your yarn under several layers of wrapped yarn until you can no longer see the end. Repeat the process described in steps 1 and 2 until you have 5 or 6 balls.
- Cut one leg off of an old pair of pantyhose (or use a knee -high stocking). Put one ball into the toe of the stocking, followed by the other dryer balls. Use the little string or acrylic yarn to section off each ball from one another (or just put one ball in the stocking at a time and tied a knot between them with the pantyhose). Tie off the open end of the stocking so that you have a “yarn-ball caterpillar.” Make sure you tie them tight! You don’t want them coming out in the washing machine.
- Throw the “yarn-ball caterpillar” into the washing machine with a load of whites or towels in hot water to begin the felting process. Then throw the caterpillar into the dryer. You will want to wash and dry the caterpillar at least 2-4 times so that the yarn will felt and won’t come apart.
- Remove the dryer balls from the stocking. Then toss the balls into your dryer with a load of wet laundry. If you’d like, you can add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil to the balls to scent your laundry as they work.
How do they work?
For each load of laundry, the dryer balls will bounce around in the machine, separating your clothes, and allowing more hot air to circulate through the clothes. This excess air will allow your clothes to dry faster and the tumbling dryer balls will help to make the laundry soft and decrease wrinkles as they hit the clothes.
How long will they last?
This is the biggest question I had while making my own dryer balls: How long will they last? I scoured the internet for an answer to this question. The common consensus seemed to be 5 to 8+ years—they’ll last you for quite some time. However, if you use Essential oils, you’ll need to re-apply them regularly to the dryer balls to infuse that scent into your laundry.
Wrap Em’ Up!
These DIY Felted Wool Dryer Balls would be an excellent present because they are the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year (and beyond!)
Place your wool Balls into a small wrapped basket or box and include a batch of our
Emergency Essentials DIY Laundry Detergent to make a complete present. You can even leave a little note explaining how to use the dryer balls and what their purpose and benefits are.
P.S. Speaking of laundry . . . top off your present with a
Mobile Washer (hand operated washing machine). The Mobile Washer is perfect for washing clothes during a power outage or on a camping trip. All you need is a bucket, a little bit of your DIY Laundry Detergent, and a little bit of muscle to get your clothes clean. Check out how the Mobile Washer works in the video below.
Crystal Minnick
We’re happy to hear you enjoy our articles. Stay tune for future postings!
Asto Warne
You mentioned above very nicely and in detail about felted wool dryer balls. I usually read all blogs on wool dryer balls, and I learn more ideas from it too.
I think it will be easy for all. DIY is good for everyone.
I was buying such balls or similar ones for ages! now I will try to make my own Wool Dryer Balls! Thank you for an idea!)
Why not just highlight, copy, and paste to Microsoft Word and print that? I don’t see any copyright.
Good idea. I will pass this suggestion on to my supervisors and see what we can do.
sure wish I had a print button. by the time I gather my supplies, I cannot find the directions. Can you make this "printable"? Thank you in advance