What are your plans for this weekend? I’m getting over a week-long bug, so I’m planning to take it easy this weekend. I still want to do some prepping baby steps, though.

1. Create a bedside kit.

This is a small thing you can do to prepare for an emergency that could happen in the middle of the night. Include the following items (and other items you think you’ll need based on your location):

  • Shoes - to keep your feet safe and clear of broken glass or other dangerous items
  • Light stick or flashlight - to help you Replace your way out in the dark
  • Jacket – to keep warm if it’s cold outside and you can’t return inside immediately
  • A snack – because a snack is always a good idea (especially for keeping kids distracted and to help mitigate grumpiness brought on by low blood sugar)

2. Make a meal using your emergency cooking equipment.

If you’ve got emergency cooking equipment, be sure you know how to use it. Cook an entire meal this weekend using only your emergency cooking supplies. Make note of the items you wish you had available, and add those to your emergency storage shopping list.

3. Add a week’s worth of food to your storage supply (or one day, one month… etc.)

Add some items to your food storage. If you can’t afford an entire week’s worth of food storage items, add enough for a day or two, and do that each time you go shopping. If you’re consistent, you’ll have a good supply of food before you know it.

I’m putting a bedside kit together this weekend—I’ve got an extra tote bag lying around somewhere that should fit all those items in it, and I’ve got an old pair of sneakers that look about ready to retire; those will give me a good start to my kit. Now all I need is a light stick and my favorite snack…

--Urban Girl

Baby steps


Alex Gore

Alex Gore

Just came across your website, I like the idea of simple steps for the weekend. Nice:)

emergency food supplies book

emergency food supplies book

Interesting blog, personally, I will make ready a flashlight, a radio , a charged extra lithium ion battery of cellphone, long shelf food supplies, water purifier device and stocks of clean water.

Melissa Trocha

Melissa Trocha

what about some cards or dice to pass time, and if you have little ones diapers,formula,bottles wipes *wipes good even if you don't have kids or pets! batteries for flashlight pads not just for periods but in medical supply they can be used as ban-aids! compass is must have! maps

Emergency Essentials

Emergency Essentials

Great ideas, everyone. Thanks for your input! —Sarah



My bedroom is upstairs. We have the roll out ladder by the window. Add to your list a garage door opener. I always keep a case of bottled water in the room. What about your pets? The 90 lb. dog is going to have to be lowered by sheet if there is no other way out! Good idea to have a complete kit instead of loose items!



what about water?, im thinking that water may be a nice comfort to have



I would add a mini fishing kit with one of my handguns/ammo. This is a great idea! We're grabbing some mountain house and my G-force gear and testing it over our fire pit!



and have you cell phone in the same area.



also have your cell phone in the same area.



I would add to that a spare house key and vehicle key if appropriate, especially with winter coming on.

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