Are you ready for Black Friday?

Black Friday is almost upon us! It’s time to get out your protective gear—helmets, elbow and knee pads. And be sure your cell phones or walkie-talkies are in good working order, so you can communicate with your shopping buddy to coordinate your plan of attack. Ah, Black Friday shopping—it’s practically the most popular contact sport of the season! Although Black Friday Shopping is a fun tradition for some, it can turn sour if aggressive, determined shoppers line up in the wee hours to swarm the stores and grab the best bargains, sometimes forcing fumbles from other players so they can recover the prize and run for the checkout counter first. For some people it seems that he or she with the most toys wins. If the long lines and competition aren’t exactly your cuppa’ tea, you can log on to from the safety of your own home and score your bargains with nary a scrape or bruise! So tomorrow give thanks, enjoy your turkey and pumpkin pie, relax, and enjoy time with family, friends, and loved ones. Log on to our blog or website to get a sneak peek of the sales. Then, early Friday morning (8am MT, to be exact), visit our Black Friday page and GO FOR IT! Good luck!
Black fridaySaleSales

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