Are You Fire Ready?

Fire is a disaster that can flare up anytime and anywhere. Whether it’s caused by a careless match, a bolt of lightning, or faulty wiring, fire can pose a serious threat to any family. Luckily, you can prepare for fire in any of its forms, and it may not be as difficult as you think. Take a look below at some simple items that can help you keep your cool when the heat comes.

Emergency Kit

Often, a fire near or in your home means that you need to make a quick getaway, and a handy backpack full of survival basics can ease the departure. Consider food, water, first aid, warmth, light, and communication as you assemble your kit.

View Emergency Kits


In any emergency situation, good communication is essential. It’s important to be in touch ­— not only with your family and loved ones — but with news and weather reports.

View Radios

Light and Power Supplies

Portable energy and light sources are invaluable if a fire forces your family out of your home. Consider storing a lightweight power source in your car or in another handy place.

View Light Sources View Power Supplies

Smoke Alarms

The NFPA recommends installing smoke alarms in every sleeping room and on every level of your house. Be sure to test each alarm once a month. Plan with your family to know what to do and where to go if a smoke alarm sounds.

When was the last time you checked your smoke alarms?

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